
Pharmaceutical companies are on a hunt for patent ownership of an effective arthritis remedy

It had been thought that 2020 would raise the value of health and of each person, but....Unfortunately the priority remains the battle for profit. Earlier this year, one of the largest pharmaceutical companies, Pfizer, announced the imminent launch of an innovative natural supplement against joint diseases Flexibility The product has been in development for the past 10 years.

The natural supplement that could save the world.

According to a recent sociological study, about 70% of the world's population is affected by joint diseases.This figure varies from country to country, but the discrepancy rarely exceeds 12% The problem is compounded by the fact that the development of joint diseases remains latent.

Signs of the development of such diseases may include:

  • · Recurrent pains from pulling and pain in arms and legs
  • · Clicking, cracking joints and cartilage
  • · Swelling of the legs and arms
  • · Feeling of heaviness in the extremities
  • · Feeling of heaviness in the extremities
  • · Slight tingling in extremities
  • · ...and more than 50 symptoms!

By the time the patient realizes his illness (usually when the joints begin to hurt, swell and swell) it is too late. By the time the patient realizes his illness (usually when the joints begin to hurt, swell and swell) it is too late.At this stage complete rehabilitation is impossible. At least that was before the product was available Flexibility. Therefore, the upcoming release of this product to the market, announced by Pfizer, was a real sensation. Those who have been following Flexibility development were glad. Not surprisingly, as the final victory over joint diseases is comparable to the victory over cancer. It seemed like a little more, and millions of people around the world would be cured!

sick knee healthy knee

Money is more important than people

But the happy euphoria didn't last long. Another major player in the pharmaceutical market, Novartis, filed a lawsuit accusing its competitor of stealing intellectual property. The case is extremely complicated, but from the case materials that our editorial team was able to analyze, it follows that an employee of Novartis, who had previously worked for the company on the development of a product similar to Flexibility left the scandal and turned his research over to Pfizer.

According to the NDA (confidentiality agreement) and the employment contract, the employee did not have the right to share the data with another company, and another company did not have the right to use it. Therefore, a second lawsuit followed-this time for industrial espionage.

The court imposed sanctions on the production of the natural supplement until a final ruling was issued.Thus, the long-awaited product for joint diseases never reached the market. Sources say Navartis ' real goal is to delay Flexibility production as long as possible, as the company is one of the largest suppliers of natural supplements for the prevention of arthritis. In other words, the availability of products like Flexibility on the market is not economically viable for them.

As the sharks writhed, the little fish acted.

While the market giants were destroying each other with multi-million dollar lawsuits, a small Kenya company, InDiGo Farm, created a Flexibility and put it safely on the market. We do not judge how they managed to obtain the product's formula (perhaps it was the same industrial espionage), but the fact is that they did.

In their own war, pharmaceutical corporations have lost their target. And Flexibility was quietly sold through pharmacies for almost 6 months! The situation changed dramatically when the Internet was flooded with thousands of favorable reviews from cured people. Here are some of them:

I have suffered from arthritis for over 10 years. I was told it was incurable. They told me I had to hold on, get used to it...None of that was true. I'm healthy again.

You still think there's no cure for osteoarthritis? Then I have great news-the world has been able to beat this disease!

The result of this story is sad and logical. The Kenya generic was seized, removed from pharmacies, production was halted and closed. Buy the product is still available from official online distributors, but not everyone will get it-no new batches are produced, and old ones are scattered like hot bread.

The sad thing about all this is that in the search for money pharmaceutical corporations completely forget that joint diseases are not just pain and discomfort. It is a threat to life, unbearable suffering, fatal complications and even death. Will Flexibility hit the markets again? Unknown. So those who really need this product - do not miss the opportunity to buy it now.

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4990 KES
Reviews on (62)

Mary 5 hours

It can't be! And I was so excited to find this natural supplement, is it really going to come off the market? It's the only thing that works. Damn it!

Faith 7 hours

None of this surprises me. Corporations aim to take money away from people.They don't want us to be healthy. It's a fact.

Mercy 5 hours

It's sad, but you're absolutely right...

Sharon 8 hours

Good product, I bought it for my mother. It's a shame the way it turned out. I'll buy more to use in the future.

Esther 7 hours

Where could you buy it? I can't order anywhere, it's over everywhere!

Sharon 5 hours

There's a list of sites upstairs, look closely.

Elizabeth 10 hours

It's a great product, it's the only thing I use to save myself. It works very quickly. I'm literally back to normal. My knee was terribly swollen. The slightest load... and that was it, the pain was wild for a few days. Not even other strong medications help, but this one does. Get back to the market!